Planters Days 2023! Vendors need to provide payment and proof of insurance to secure their spot.
Through service with integrity, the Rotary Club of Woodland makes a difference locally and internationally.

We meet In Person
Mondays at 12:00 PM
Oak Tree Restaurant
1020 Atlantic Ave
Woodland, WA 98674
United States of America
Woodland, WA 98674
United States of America
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Immediate Past President
It is time to mark your calendar!
This is one of the best tournaments to play. All for a great local cause. Come help support our community and kids.
June 24, 2022
April 22th,2019 in National Secretary Day. We have beautiful Tulips on sale. For only $7.00 for a bundle of 10. Let us help you celebrate the hard work of your staff! Orders are due by the Friday the 19th of April.
A BIG thank you to all that came and helped make our Christmas Giving Project a great success!
OPIOIDS - What are they? We hear it all over the news, but do you know what it is and how big the problem is in our own community?
Our Gold Leaf Dinner auction is a lot of fun! There are a few tables left! For just $500.00 you can invite 8 of your friends and family for a fun night at a beautiful venue. Contact Sandy Larsen for details!
Come join us for a fun night of food, wine, and music. 50% of the ticket costs goes to the Scott Hill Park Project. There are limited tickets so hurry and don't miss out.

Work on Woodland's own "Field of Dreams", Scott Hill Park & Sports Complex, continues to make headway. Current work on the park is focused on completion of the park Master Plan in preparation for Site Plan Review with the City of Woodland, identifying and pursuing public funding and foundation grant opportunities along with local fundraising.
With a conceptual design for the 40-acre park and sports complex including amenities needed to meet the community's needs while generating sufficient revenue to make the park economically sustainable, a marketing study supporting a positive market opportunity, required technical site studies completed, input from the community and recommendations from consultants, the park is poised to move forward. A recently completed economic impact analysis highly supports the positive effect the park will have on the Woodland and regional communities.
If you shop at Amazon or Fred Meyer, you can easily support Scott Hill Park at no cost to you by participating in AmazonSmile or Fred Meyer community rewards Program.

ShelterBox has already responded to the massive earthquake in Nepal. Some ShelterBox units were already stored locally and are being deployed. A ShelterBox team is in the air on the way to the area. To read the latest, see ShelterBox USA on Facebook or go the website at
Woodland Rotary Club Members received a private tour of the new Woodland High School by WHS Superintendent, Michael Green, and WHS Principal, John Shoup.
Dictionaries were distributed to Woodland and Kalama School District Third Graders this month.
Rotarian Joy Snead and Woodland Grange Member JJ Burke
with Woodland Primary third graders
Woodland Primary School third graders show their excitement at receiving their very own new dictionaries provided and distributed by the Rotary Club of Woodland and Woodland Grange.
2014 Salvation Army Christmas Bell Ringing at Woodland Safeway by Rotary Club of Woodland Rotarians, Friends of Rotary, and local Volunteers resulted in donations to the Salvation Army of $2,588.52. This year's donation collection was the largest for Salvation Army by Rotary Club of Woodland since beginning this annual project several years ago.

Rotarian and Mayor of Woodland, Grover Laseke ringing the Salvation Army Bell.
Thank you to the many Safeway shoppers for their generous donations!
THANK YOU to the many VOLUNTEERS for their endless hours of work, their financial donations, and use of their vehicles to make this year's Christmas Giving Project a HUGE SUCCESS!
The Christmas Giving Project headed by Rotarian Joy Snead more than doubled in 2014 in people served and community volunteers assisting. At the January 5th Rotary Club meeting, Joy reported Rotary Club of Woodland together with the Woodland Action Center, distributed more than 12,000 pounds of food and 700 children's Christmas gifts to local needy families in the Woodland, La Center, and Ridgefield communities.
Generous donations of $1,000 each from Columbia Colstor and Woodland Planter's Days Committee were presented to Rotary Club of Woodland President, Jeff Stay, by Lesa Beuscher from Columbia Colstor and by JJ Burke from the Woodland Planter's Days Committee to help support Rotary's 2014 Christmas Giving Project. This year the project is assisting 240 local families in need with their holiday meal and gifts for the children.
Thank you Woodland Planter's Days Committee, Columbia Colstor, and the many donors and volunteers
involved in this years Christmas Giving Program.
Merry Christmas to All!
Thank you to Rotarian Darlene Johnson for her many years of accounting and tax services to the Rotary Club of Woodland. You are the BEST Darlene!!

A big WELCOME to Paula Carter, Rotary Club of Woodland's International Exchange Student for the 2014-2015 school year. Paula is visiting us from her home in Santiago, Metropolitana, Chile. We look forward to a fun year and getting to know you!
Rotary guest speaker, Peter Hansen, CEO of Oregon LNG, is anxious to work with the Rotary Club of Woodland on the Scott Hill Park Project during construction of the Oregon LNG Pipeline Project which will pass through Woodland at the edge of the new Scott Hill Park & Sports Complex.

Approximately 100 people enjoyed the opportunity of a first look introduction to Scott Hill Park and Sports Complex at the Rotary Club of Woodland's Evening of Discovery held July 31, 2014.

Welcoming new 2014-2015 Rotary Club of Woodland President, Jeff Stay with spouse, Helen Stay.

Rotary Club of Woodland parade entry featuring Scott Hill Park & Sports Complex

Planning for Scott Hill Park Continues
Next meeting April 3rd at Los Pepes Restaurant
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